Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Game Journalism Day 4 -the little things

                                 Game Journalism Day 4

What did you do?

Tell a story - a story with pictures especially about when you found (or made) these little thiings

I found this totem statue at this camp site 

 I made this noise maker

I found a parrot at this old barn and I took it.

I found this cowboy at the old town, the first time i didn't see it so i had to return
back and look for it.

What did you learn?

  • Are you advancing?  
     I've been saying this through out the blog but I can't kill the seeker yet, I've been trying to 
     the weapon that I've been using isn't the weapon to kill the seeker. like I use an axe and pixaxe but it wasn't
     doing anything and now i'm trying to find supplies to make a knife and some weapons that i can actually kill 
     the seeker.
  • what new TIPS & TRICKS can you share? ..with IMAGES
        I don't have any TRICKS to share but I do have TIPS to share
      IF the seeker is chasing you down and you want to run a bit faster, just hold SHIFT while holding WASD to 
      move around. Just to let you know you have a stamina bar on your top left screen so when you hold down 
     SHIFT it will drain and when you let go that key it will refill your stamina. SO DON"T HOLD DOWN THE SHIFT
     KEY FOR TOO LONG OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE because the seeker will chase you down until he had eaten 

What is your plan for tomorrow?

  • tell your audience what is next for your adventure
        My next adventure is to find supplies so i can craft a knife or any weapons to kill the seeker. I know i was 
        supposed to kill the seeker like a while back but its because i didn't understand the game until like the week 
       after and that's when people had killed the seeker or is trying too.

       : add an image of your airship

My airship has been looking the same for like 2 weeks now because the wood that i was supposed to build to my 
airship i used it to fly my airship and I know it looks like trash so I'm working on it. 


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

       Amy                  Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker
Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker

What did you do today?
I made it to two different towns and i found lots of supplies. I also got killed by the seeker multiply times.
I was able to make a noise maker. When i was flying with my airship i was holding the bell and it drop out of my hand
because i click the wrong slide of my mouse and it drop out of my hand and fell off my airship and onto the sand. 
I descend my airship to find the bell but the seeker was there and I couldn't kill it on time.

  • image of seeker

  • image of a town from the air

  • image of your airship

What did you learn?

  • tips and tricks for your readers
for example - what is the quick way to gather all items from something you have opened?
 If you want to open something like a chest or boxes just click E
if you want to grab a couple of things at once just hold shift while you use your mouse to click on the items
if you want to build a wall or craft anything just click B and it will show up a box on the left side of your screen if its red
that means you don't have enough wood or supplies so you have to collect more.

answer the following with an image:
  • where do you get a stone axe from?
    I actually crafted mine, how i did it? Was i found some stone like i think at each houses and i collected it until 
    I had enough or you can collect a lot more (just in case if u drop it)  and make sure you chop and collect
    because it's very important if you want your airship to keep flying. After you collected a lot of wood and 
     stone, make a crafting table by clicking B and it should pop up different things that you can craft and that's how 
     you craft a stone axe. 

  • what items can you eat? 
  1. image of CAN 

  1. image of COOKED can

  1. image of a COOKED FISH 
  2. image of a LIVE fish                     COULDN'T FIND ANY OF THESE FOOD TODAY I'LL FIND IT 
  3.                                                                         TOMORROW
  4. image of a mushroom

  1. images of cactus fruit

    What will you do tomorrow?

    I will try to find more food because i keep dying and i need to find cooked fish, live fish and mushroom.

    Monday, December 16, 2019

      Amy                   Game Journalism Day 1 - The Basics

                                            Day 1

    What TYPE of game is this 
    Its a desert game, where you try to survive as long as you can. you have to find supplies to live if you don't then you 
    will die of hunger and thirst, you also have to find wood, coal, stone, ropes,nails and can food. Its not as easy as
     you think it is because as you use your airship to fly around each town, a seeker will come up from the ground and
    chase you until you run out of stamina and the seeker will kill you but you might not have a weapon to kill it so that's
     why you have to collect what you need in each houses because if you don't collect all the supplies then your basically 

    What did you do yesterday to win the game?
    I was trying to figure out how to make my airship fly and i couldn't understand how to do, i was so stress out because
    I saw other people around me was all ready at a different area like a town or houses and i was very confused on how
    to do it and i walked around a couple of times and realized that there were supplies on the ground and so i picked it up
    and add the supplies to my airship and off i go to a town.

    Explain what you see and how to play the game.
    When you first start the game your in a desert that has an airship and your supposed to find coal and wood to start 
    your airship but I didn't know and i was struggling a lot. after you find your supplies like wood, can food, axe, nails
     then you should be able to start your airship. How do you start tour airship, you press F to add wood or coal and
    when you want your airship to land\, you press E to descend your airship.You also want to collect as much wood 
    as possible when your in the town after the town you in a danger place because the seeker is there and he will 
    hunt you down.
    SIX- screenshots 
    • 3 of items to collect - with captions

    • 3 of the scenery - with captions

                                      Old barn (i think)


                                      Camp site 

    • add your blog address - in the image
    • add a caption explaining what each item is - under the image
    What is your plan?

    My plan is to kill the seeker and trying not to die at every town and also finishing
    the game.

    Thursday, December 12, 2019


    What did you do today?

    -outline your interactions in the game...with IMAGES

     my airship took me over to this guy and he told me a story and i went in his house and found supplies water,2 cooked can food and extra wood.and 2 buckets.

    I also found some cooked can food in this guy house so i use it because my hunger bar was low. There wasn't a lot of water just one or two water bag but i drank all of it right away which it was a bad decision.  

    The seeker tried to find me a couple of times but he actually didn't kill me. The seeker wasn't able to climb the rocky hill ( i don't know if the seeker can or cant but he didn't see me and he couldn't climb the up to where i was standing.)

    I was standing not that far up from where he was, I'm pretty sure that the seeker cant climb (but i might be wrong)

    What did you learn?

    The only thing I learn from today was that the seeker cant climb because i was only able to fly with my airship to one house and i didn't collected a lot of supplies.

    -show -with IMAGES- at least 3 difference between the versions:

    The cactus looks a bit different from the old version, the size and shapes looks bigger and it doesn't really look like a cactus from up close.

    The seeker looks a bit different from the last version, the seeker looks bigger then before. the colour on the seeker still looks the same but what i see different from the seeker is that, the orange is brighter it looks like a neon orange; the old colour wasn't very bright it looked more like a normal orange. I don't know if its me who sees the different but that's what i notice.  i think its the sunlight that reflects on the colour and it made it looked neon orange.

    What will you do next day?

    -the game continues - what will you do next?

     I will try to help the old man find a thing near a bench but there is like 5 from every hill so i don't know if i will be able to find it but i will try. I also need to grab more wood to cook food and add more to my airship because i haven't be able to find all the supplies to craft a sleeping bed and every time i died i always restart from the house before. I will try to find everything i need tomorrow and find a important thing that the old man was asking me to find for him.

    Add an IMAGE of your airship:

    My airship isn't the best because I don't have everything that i need for my airship including a sleeping bag. I only only have a crafting table because i couldn't build any other things on my airship, i need to grab a lot of supplies i if i want to add more to my airship. I added 2 wooden platform on my airship for extra space just in case if i build something big on it.

    Monday, December 2, 2019

                                                      The Antila House 

                                                  By: Amy 

                                                20 sec clip