Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Game Journalism Day 4 -the little things

                                 Game Journalism Day 4

What did you do?

Tell a story - a story with pictures especially about when you found (or made) these little thiings

I found this totem statue at this camp site 

 I made this noise maker

I found a parrot at this old barn and I took it.

I found this cowboy at the old town, the first time i didn't see it so i had to return
back and look for it.

What did you learn?

  • Are you advancing?  
     I've been saying this through out the blog but I can't kill the seeker yet, I've been trying to 
     the weapon that I've been using isn't the weapon to kill the seeker. like I use an axe and pixaxe but it wasn't
     doing anything and now i'm trying to find supplies to make a knife and some weapons that i can actually kill 
     the seeker.
  • what new TIPS & TRICKS can you share? ..with IMAGES
        I don't have any TRICKS to share but I do have TIPS to share
      IF the seeker is chasing you down and you want to run a bit faster, just hold SHIFT while holding WASD to 
      move around. Just to let you know you have a stamina bar on your top left screen so when you hold down 
     SHIFT it will drain and when you let go that key it will refill your stamina. SO DON"T HOLD DOWN THE SHIFT
     KEY FOR TOO LONG OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE because the seeker will chase you down until he had eaten 

What is your plan for tomorrow?

  • tell your audience what is next for your adventure
        My next adventure is to find supplies so i can craft a knife or any weapons to kill the seeker. I know i was 
        supposed to kill the seeker like a while back but its because i didn't understand the game until like the week 
       after and that's when people had killed the seeker or is trying too.

       : add an image of your airship

My airship has been looking the same for like 2 weeks now because the wood that i was supposed to build to my 
airship i used it to fly my airship and I know it looks like trash so I'm working on it. 


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